
Bike of Love

Surely there is someone who deserves your extra attention. Especially when you love your wife so much that you are willing to make her such a beautiful bicycle like this one as a proof of your love. When you are detail oriented maximalist with a clear idea about gift for her. Then just turn on real experts and the result is awesome.

koženné prvky od koho iného ako od nášho kožiara Borisa Leather accessories from who else as our leather maker Boris
pohľad na výsledok Behold the result
krásne pedále od MKS Beautiful MKS pedals
držiak na noviny od ATLAS Newspaper holder by ATLAS
pedále MKS pedal MKS
doplnky od ATLAS ATLAS accessories
dielňa Pecobikes Workshop Pecobikes
po tvrdej drine úsmev na tvári je zaslúžený :-) After hard work, smile is deserved :-)
detail na reťaz ČZ Detail on chain ČZ
Sturmey Archer kolesá a špeciálne výplety Sturmey Archer wheels with special stringing
každý detail bol niekoľkokrát prekonzultovaný Every detail was consulted several times
Rám bol použitý zo staručkej Esky Frame has origin in very old Eska

Pictures by Peter Cagala Photography

In case of any questions, or need a special gift for your love, do not hesitate to ask on

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